Pastor, teacher, author, mentor, and is presently a Bible instructor at the Rescue Mission of Mahoning Valley, in Youngstown, Ohio. Bill Finnigan has been engaged in active ministry for almost sixty years.
A native of Newark, New Jersey, Bill received a call to ministry while in college. The ensuing years were spent in intensive study to learn and sharpen ministry skills. Attending several universities, he holds a number of degrees, including the Doctor of Ministry. For over twenty seven years, Bill has held pulpits in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, reaching people with God’s life-changing Word. His outreach has also included radio, prison, Bible conference, and college teaching ministries.
More recently his time has been devoted to writing, preaching, and the on-going Biblical instruction at the rescue mission in Youngstown. As the Lord provides opportunities, he continues to be busily engaged in Kingdom work, considering himself “refired,” rather than retired.