Finnigan Update
February 2021
Dear Ones:
Trying to communicate with “masked” people has become increasingly aggravating. Especially is this true if you have a hearing problem; but more than that, we’re missing out on facial expressions (smiles, etc.) which greatly enhance communication. Let’s “face” it, there are some beautiful people who have now been “zombified” and subtly “muzzled”. The so-called “science,” with all its inconsistencies, has turned out to be a political scheme to ultimately curtail “free speech”. This is not a “conspiracy theory”, but the true facts are in and we’ve been lied to. Thousands die every year from the “Flu” and we’ve heard nothing about it. Covid-19 has turned out to be “big business” with the manipulation of statistics and death certificates, etc. This is not to be unsympathetic to those who actually died of “Covid”, but there’s an underlying left-wing agenda that needs to be exposed and opposed. A pastor in Alberta, Canada is presently in prison for “opening” his church for public worship. This action points to a greater issue than “wearing a mask;” it’s a preview of “coming attractions” in U.S. churches who dare take a stand against political pressure. Indeed, “the fight is on!”
Some of us never dreamed that our country could be decimated so quickly; yet the Church must also face its demise and failure to be “salt and light.” It’s been said, “As the church goes, so goes the world.” Saints of God, that’s where we come in; what a challenge we have to “let our light shine” so as to penetrate the darkness around us. All the darkness of the world cannot put out one birthday candle! It’s time to “sell-out” to God and be filled with the Holy Spirit (cf. Eph. 5:18f). Dare to be a Daniel, who could courageously face the political “lion’s den” and overcome! Greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world! Amen! It’s too soon to quit!!
The Word is having “free course” at the Mission. There’s a solemn witness of the Spirit’s presence and work in precious souls. Continue to intercede for true awakening and conversion of sinners. So many are trusting “mental health” remedies rather than Jesus Christ to “save” them. We are pleading for the Spirit to “convince folks of sin…” that they might turn to the Savior. The new building is magnificent and paid for (5.9 million)! PTL! We are now trusting God for another 1.5 million to properly furnish the inside. (
I am personally doing well, busily engaged in teaching and writing. Please pray for God’s enabling as I “tweak” the present manuscript called: “A Fresh Look at Pentecost in Light of Present-Day Confusion.” This message (book) is of vital importance for the Church today; and needs to be published soon. Thanks so much for your prayerful concern for me in this work.
With much love and appreciation,