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Writer's pictureBill Finnigan

February 2024 Update

Dear Ones:

More than once over the years I have heard people ask someone, “How’s your love life?” I’m sure they were not referring to one’s relationship with Christ; but why not? I spoke recently at a senior Valentine’s dinner on “Intoxicating love.” Paul talks of not being “drunk” with wine; but being “filled” or “intoxicated” with the Holy Spirit. (Eph. 5:18) This verse is in the context of marriage and family life. “Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it.” (Eph. 5:25) In a day when Satan and sin are destroying the very fabric of family life, we need to reconsider “Biblical love.”

It’s been said, that “the greatest gift a father can give his children is to love their mother.” But how is that even possible without that father having a true loving relationship (spiritual intimacy) with Christ? True love is not produced by “drinking wine” or watching pornography; that’s confusing “lust” with love. It’s also allowing “fantasy” to “counterfeit” God’s beautiful gift.

Solomon’s Song of love in Scripture appears to be almost “pornographic” by those with a perverted mind. This book typifies Christ’s love for His Bride, the Church. So it is that a husband’s love for his wife is also a witness of the “marriage” relationship with Christ! “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better than wine”, so says the bride. (1:2). No alcoholic “elixir” can compare to the “kisses” of Christ’s love. Fleshly pleasure may temporarily gratify; but it will never satisfy. Let’s so walk in God’s fullness that His love will “shine through” and penetrate the broken hearts around us!

I interrupt this message to share how God is answering prayer at the Mission. There is an evident, regenerating work of the Holy Spirit in a growing remnant. Not only that, but He’s raised up a young “Timothy” who has become my “co-laborer” and disciple. He’s a Jewish believer on fire for God with a brilliant mind. He’s respected by the men and has been studying the Word with them in the dorm. Guess what his name is? It’s Justin. Many of you will understand the significance of that name. That’s the name of my beloved grandson who walked with the Lord until his “promotion” to Glory some 20 years ago. I count this present “development” as a gift from God, for this “Justin” reminds me so much of his namesake. PTL!

Thank you for your continued intercession and concern. After “fighting” a fierce UTI for two weeks I’m doing much better. PTL! My new SS class has been blessed of the Lord, although I’ve had a problem with fatigue; small price to pay. My love to you all!

With joyous gratitude in Christ,

Pastor Bill

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Gary Lubert
Gary Lubert
Mar 03, 2024

love, being you and i, being a surrender life on a daily basis, even moment by moment, through a surrender life in the word through timely prayers through the power of the holy spirit being God three in one, then through trust and faith which is believing in the impossible, then love and cherish your fellow man through obedience unto our fellow man once again being His rightful service through mankind,, being true love to the degrees that you truly believe and live by faith in our heavenly father's perfect plan. A Surrender Life


Feb 29, 2024

Thank you for this update. My heart is filled with joy for your Justin. The Lord is good. Praying for your strength to build up again so that you can continue in spreading the love of God to others. So blessed to have had your guidance in our family. We all love you.

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