Dear Ones:
Happy New Year! Is it really “happy”? Is it really “new” or is it the “same ol’ same ol’?” Solomon tells us that there’s “nothing new under the sun.” So maybe there’s something new going on “above the sun.” On a recent flight out of Pittsburgh on a cold, cloudy day, I saw nothing but “fog” while taking off; but what a pleasant surprise some time later when a big fiery “ball” appeared in the sky! Yes, the sun was shining all along, but I had been “blinded” by the clouds!
In spite of the world situation around us, we must be reminded that our God reigns supreme, having all things under control. Yes, an old year has passed and a new one is before us; prophetically, conditions are getting worse, but Jesus Christ is still “the same, yesterday, today and forever!” In fact, Jeremiah, standing in the midst of Zion’s burning ruins of judgment, worshipped the Lord saying, “It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness… therefore will I hope in him.” (Lam. 3:22-24)
How does one praise God in such a bleak situation apart from having a heavenly perspective “above the sun”? Evidently, in “hope” the prophet knew that one day God would make “all things new.” (Rev. 21:2,5).
As “new creatures” in Christ we have been blessed by Him “with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places.” Moreover, we are actually sitting there together with Christ! (cf. Eph. 1:3; 2:6) That’s mind-boggling! This new position in Christ provides a new perspective, whereby we can now look down rather than up; we are able to view this corrupt, dying world from “above the sun.” Let’s rejoice that God has given us a new life, a new name in glory, a new purpose, with new unfailing mercies; He’s given us a new song, and equipped us with new power! Amen! May we join our hearts together in faith and by grace to make 2023 a truly fruitful and God-honoring New Year!
Thank you for your continued intercession for me and the Mission ministry. Gratefully, I’m doing well physically. My heart is also encouraged by the growing evidence that the Holy Spirit is convicting and converting precious souls. PTL! Remember, it’s too soon to quit!
My love and blessing to each of you,
Pastor Bill
1 Cor.15:58