Dear Ones:
On Satan’s “high and holy day” (Halloween) I’m glad to announce the completion and grand opening of the new Mission building! (See below). Indeed, “Jesus is LORD” and He has done great and mighty things; to God be the Glory! The ribbon-cutting ceremony and open house begins at 2:00 p.m. Friday, November 12th. Pray that this event will be honored with the evident presence and power of the Holy Spirit! (Please check for details)

Needless to say, there’s much excitement in the air, along with an awesome sense of responsibility and divine anticipation in this “new” endeavor. The Lord has been preparing a faithful and equipped staff for the new facility, although the purpose and philosophy remains unchanged. Among other things, we desire to give needy folks a “hand up,” rather than a “hand out;” pointing them to Jesus Christ who changes people from the “inside out.” The Word says, “If any man {woman} be in Christ, he is a new creation; old things are passed away; behold all things are become new.” (2 Cor. 5:17) Rejoice with us in the goodness of God, while remembering to intercede for this ministry which seeks to invade the satanic darkness of this community. The Fight is On, for sure; but “greater is He that is in us, than he (Satan) that is in the world!” Amen!
I just returned from a special and relaxing vacation with family. I had a great time with my biological family who “loved on me” so wonderfully. Thank you, KIDS!” I marvel how the Lord has taken care of me in every way; it’s a joy to still be fully engaged in serving Him with “vim, vigor, and vitality!” Your faithful intercession has really been instrumental in making my life meaningful and fruitful! I’m very grateful. PTL!
Doors for conference ministry are beginning to open again. My new book on “Pentecost” has been well received. I am believing God to really use this message to edify, encourage, and challenge many of God’s servants. With all the chaos and corruption in the world the need for revived “lights” (believers) is paramount! We can either “curse the darkness,” which is futile, or we can “let our light shine”! All the darkness of the world cannot put out one birthday candle! Amen! Frankly, I have been personally “fired up” writing this book. Please help me spread the message. (It’s available on Amazon or B&N) You can access my website by clicking the logo at the bottom of this page. (or utilize )
Thank you again for standing in the gap for me. I sense and value your prayers. These are challenging days and we need each other. Your notes of encouragement have been priceless — Thank you!
With my love and appreciation,
Bill Finnigan
1 Cor.15:58