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Writer's pictureBill Finnigan

April 2023 Update

Dear Ones:

I don’t ever want to get over the ongoing joy and reality of Resurrection Day! We (Deb and I) had a blessed and fruitful time in the Scranton, PA area, celebrating Good Friday with some choice saints of God. Interestingly, it’s called “good” Friday, even though it was the “baddest” day in human history! That’s because Sunday was “a-coming” when Christ arose and walked out of the tomb with sin, death and Hell under His arm! Amen! That fact changed a “bad” day into a “good” one; and so it is with our daily walk with this resurrected Savior who lives within us. Our bodies are the “temple of the Holy Spirit (of Christ)”, which makes all the difference in these Last days of utter corruption, deception and apostasy.

The “ancient landmarks” of our founding fathers are being chiseled away before our eyes, with seemingly no recourse. Justice is “fallen in the streets”. Psa. 11:3 poses the question, “if the foundations be removed, what shall the righteous do?" How painful it is to witness this dilemma; and yet The LORD Jehovah reigns over all! Let God be true, and every man a liar! The Word of God is the Foundation that cannot and will not be removed! The host of demonic, anti-Christ forces which seek to destroy God’s Truth can only lead to the “dead-end” of destruction. As the Coming of the Lord draws near, we have the privilege of standing firm on God’s Word, as shining lights in a dark world. PTL!

We must also recognize that we “wrestle not against flesh and blood” per se; but against the satanic “rulers of darkness"; we are being attacked by “spiritual wickedness in high places", necessitating our being equipped with the “whole armor of God”. (cf. Eph.6:10f) Many believers, including pastors, etc., are “losing ground” by not “fighting the good fight of faith”! Compromise, depression and defeat are rampant in the Church in a day when we need to live in the power of Pentecost! Yes, we may lose some of the battles, but remember, the War has already been WON! “Greater is He that is in US, than he that is in the world!”

Thanks for your continued intercession for me as I “battle” at the Mission. The powers of Hell are fierce sometimes, but they are no match for the resurrected Christ! Pray that the Word will continue to have “free course” in many precious souls. Thank you!

With much love and gratitude,

Pastor Bill

1 Cor. 15:58

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