Dear Ones:
Right up front, let me wish you all a special and blessed Christmas as we celebrate the divine invasion of the God-man into this world. How I wish I could greet you all in person with a big hug and an “I love you!” My appreciation grows for each of you as I witness an ongoing departure of loved ones moving on to Glory. I think of Paul’s expression, “I’m betwixt (between) two,” speaking of the “conflict” between his desire to see Christ through death or completing his course on earth. He chose the latter, and so have I, recognizing that “my time is in His hand.”
Speaking of time, God sent His Son “in the fullness of the time, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law…” Our salvation in Christ was perfectly timed, although coming into a cruel world system that eventually killed Him. But what else is new? Check the critical “times” in which Moses, Daniel, Jeremiah, etc. lived, and how God used them.
It was said of Queen Esther that she came to the kingdom “for such a time as this.” (Est. 4:14) Is it just possible that God is saying that about you and me? Our country is bedeviled by corruption, Covid, falsehood, and violence, etc.; but it’s time to wake up and take a stand as “lights in a dark world.” No amount of darkness can extinguish one Christmas candle. Our God reigns and will make “everything beautiful in His time.” (Eccl. 3:11)
2022 is right on us, and the challenges are great. I trust it will be fruitful for each of you. I anticipate teaching again in the Academy which will resume in January. I will also be holding a Family conference (module) at Georgia Baptist College on Jan. 9-14 in Senoia, GA. It would great to see any of you in driving range. ( Your ongoing intercession for me is most vital and deeply appreciated.
Thank you for your gracious cards and notes during this Christmas season. “Come, let us adore Him, Christ the LORD!”
With love and gratitude,
Bill Finnigan
Isaiah 9:6