Dear Ones:

Many have asked when the new book on “Pentecost” would be published. Finally, as you can see, it has been completed and released on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The book is also available through the link on my website (listed below). This subject has been on my heart for many years, and I’m pleased to share my journey and findings regarding this fascinating event in Biblical history.
This book is “different” than anything I’ve written. The present-day scenario of the world and church has heightened the need for this message. I think you will understand what I mean as you read it. I’m sure that every believer will find challenge and edification in its content; also, I desire to share this word with as many pastors and Christian leaders as possible. Time is of the essence in light of a “crazy” world and compromised church. The forces of Hell are mounting a frontal attack on God’s ministers, resulting in many casualties. They need a word of encouragement, clarity of purpose, and spiritual revival! Please pray for God’s direction in how you might help in pursuing this goal. Bless you!
The new Mission building is just about ready for occupancy and is a beautiful facility. The Lord’s provision and continued faithfulness is so apparent. Please continue to pray for the staff and all that’s involved in the transition. Pray also for the stirring of the Holy Spirit as I preach the Word in chapel. It’s like entering the “city of the dead”; and without the resurrection life of the Spirit there’s no movement; but, praise God, the Gospel is still “the power [ lit. dynamite] of God unto salvation to all who believe.” Pray that the Word will have “free course and be glorified.” (2 Thess. 3:1) Thanks!
I must give God praise for His hand of grace upon my life. My schedule is full, but not overbearing. I do discipline my time so as to be ultimately healthy in body, soul, and spirit. These are critical days to be alive and I want to carefully spend them in the most effective way. The world’s corruption and pressure continues to rise, but so does the crying need for folks to be delivered from sin. I’ve often said that I may not make much money, but I’ll never be out of a job! Amen!
Thanks for being there; your ministry is invaluable. God bless you!
With my love and prayers,
Bill Finnigan